OOC = Out of Character (“the clouds” refers to OOC chat in-game)

IC = In Character 

RP = Roleplay (think of it as acting) 

GPS = Mini map in-game

Muscles = Refers to key binds used or other controls within game 

Nightmares = Real life work

In my head = You need to step away a moment

Discordia = Refers to OD’s Discord 

Email(s) – Refer to messages over Discord or, “Discordia”

Government Staff and/or Employees = Management and Support 

Prayer = “Making a prayer” refers to opening a ticket via Discord 

Wizard = Hacker/modder 

RDM = Refers to random killing for no reason 

VDM = Refers to random killing via a vehicle, for no reason 

GP = Gunplay. You may at times hear, “no GP over RP”

ERP = Refers to Erotic Roleplay (18+ only!). Also sometimes referred to as, “ERPing”

M = Phone

B = Seatbelt

Scroll wheel up/down = Engine On/Off

Tab 1-5 = Quick Bar Inventory

/ = Full inventory

F = Enter/Leave Car

E = Interact with

F1 = Radial Menu

T = Opens Chat Box

Alt = Third Eye

F5 = Emote Menu

F1 = Radial Menu > Vehicle UI

R = Cinematic Camera

Y = Cruise Control

H = Headlights

L = Door Locks

/report to start an in-game report

/menu to open the UI menu

/rob to steal from a player

/escort to begin escorting a player

/walk style to change your characters walk style

/propstuck to remove stuck props

When you are downed/dead you can call for medical help through the F1 menu. Alternatively you can use /911 to simulate a local contacting 911. eg. “/911 Local call: I just saw a man lay on the floor at Strawberry Ave.”

Roleplay Rules

1. You must stay in character at all times on the Ocean Drive server. This means no going out-of-character (OOC) on the radio/in-game chats/ in-game twitter.

2. Always try to first and foremost, keep the RP going. Your first action in any disagreement should always be to RP it out. If you disagree with the events that took place, or another player’s actions, we advise you to document it with recordings and screenshots. You can then use /report in-game or open a ticket.
Provide as much detail as possible.

Dead people don’t speak. When you are downed, you may still talk and use /me to RP that you are bleeding and struggling, but this does not give reason to indulge in toxic comments or relaying information that could give people an advantage. You cannot use radios or dispatch. Distress signals of players and PD/Medics may only send out ONCE upon death. Abuse of this will be considered Fail RP.

3. Respect the other role-players at all times. Racism, hate speech, discrimination, sexual harassment are not allowed.

4. Be responsible with your roleplay choices. We do not permit RP of self harm, suicide or sexual assault. If you are wanting to roleplay a certain scenario out and are unsure if you should, you can always open a ticket.

5. No griefing of other players. By this we mean intentionally angering or irritating another player with malicious intent.

6. Do not use glitches or hacks in the server. Any exploitation will result in a permanent ban. (This includes the use of programs or screens that allow crosshairs/aim assist devices.)

7. ERP is only permitted if you are over the age of 18 and do it in a private setting where no one can overhear.

8. No RDM (randomly killing for no reason) or VDM (randomly killing for no reason using a vehicle).
If you suspect a player of either of these, open a ticket and provide what evidence you can.

9. Gunfire that does not injure or down a player is not considered RDM.

10. You must never go into an apartment/home to avoid the consequences of an action.

11. You may not use a server restart or crash to escape a RP situation you were in before the restart/crash. You must wait for the other players to reconnect, then continue the RP.

12. No cop baiting without a realistic reason for your character to do so. This includes engaging cops into a chase or active situation without any solid reason in RP, bashing a police car, running circles around them, attacking, firing or parading illegal weapons for no reason.

13. If you kidnap someone with the intent to kill them, you must engage in roleplay before doing so.

14. You cannot fly any aircraft (planes, helicopters etc.) without an in city flying license and permit. If you are found flying without the permit and license it will be considered Fail RP (failing to stay in character/within the roleplay situation).

15. Be kind to new players. We were all newbs once. Try your best to be accommodating within your roleplay, understand that new players may make minor mistakes. Be there to help them not to attack or drive them away.

16. Do not beg for an Admin in the OOC chat. If you require help the best and fastest way to get it is to open a ticket.

17. Logging out in your apartment to change characters and flee from an RP scenario will result in a ban.

18. Police are not permitted to indulge or facilitate any form of corruption. As PD you are to conduct yourself accordingly without indulging in anything that could destabilize the server balance and economy, such as:
– Selling PD weaponry
– Selling PD equipment
– Leaking sensitive information
– Sharing documents meant to be for internal use for PD
– Showing any bias towards criminals
– Compromising other PD members on duty

Rules On Permanently Ending A Character (Perma)
  • Only the player who owns the character in question can initiate a perma of the character.
  • When a player wishes to perma their character they must write an OOC message (in /ooc) stating their intentions to do so, eg. /ooc John Smith cannot be resuscitated, he is perma-dead. If you do not have a recorded OOC message stating your intention to perma, your character death will not be considered final or true.
  • All players who wish to perma must properly roleplay out the death of their character, including prompts through either /ooc or /me for those involved in the scenario.
  • After you have roleplayed the death of your character, if an EMS is present during the scenario they will fill out a Death Registry Form to notify the Government that your character has died. If there is no EMS present during your character’s death, you will need to fill out the form yourself. If you do not fill out the form after roleplaying the death of your character it will be considered a rule-break.
    You can find the Death Registry Form in our Discord under,
  • All permanent deaths of a character will result in the character being deleted, all data and assets are lost and you can never play that character again.
  • The only exception to the above is if you notify Staff of your intention to do a Fake Death scenario beforehand. In these cases you must also fill in the Death Registry Form, but choose the Fake Death option. You must provide details of your intentions and if you need assistance from staff such as a fake ID.
  • Players who use a perma or Fake Death to escape an RP situation will be treated as Fail RP.
What is considered my turf? 

Near Area that your gang occupies, preferably specified and enforced IC.

Who & how many can defend your ‘turf’ from an opposing gang attack?

Anyone who is in the area and a member of the gang (in the gang role) can join in the defense.

How many users can ‘attack’ the ‘turf’ of another gang?

The number who can attack is 4 as specified in the rules for any other form of crime.

How do you start a gang war?

Starting a gang war should be something that is built up in RP. Starting a war or conflict without a proper reason or appropriate RP attached to it can lead to punishments
handed out accordingly for choosing “gunplay” over “RP”.
We will not tolerate “baiting” a war just for the sake of it. Throughout the increase of tensions building up between 2 parties, it should be clearly specified the direction it
is going and both parties be aware of the direction it is heading.

What happens after a shootout?

After a shootout and they’ve been treated by EMS or “Local EMS” a 30 minute cooldown goes into effect.
This means that for 30 minutes after they’ve been treated, no shootout is to occur between the 2 parties.
This also means NO CAMPING AT PILLBOX/GRANDMAS or initiating another fight after a shootout has happened.

What about PD during gang wars?

PD has every right to intervene and stop the fight. However how the gangs respond to it is entirely within RP.

This means that the PD can join the shootout. When engaging in illegal activity, expect the Police to attempt to put a stop to it, even gang wars.

What can we take from the other party during a war?

Refrain from stealing anything from the other party that would impede their RP after the shootout.
What is permitted is to steal what are considered “war supplies,” such as:

  • Weapons
  • Ammo
  • Drugs
  • Armor
  • Lockpicks
  • Money

Everyday items should be left within their pockets.
A caveat to the above is to give them enough lockpicks to steal their own car to get back home. Stealing from someone
should not go hand in hand with being toxic. Give them a chance to come back from it and to further engage RP.

If you do steal all lockpicks from them, provide the opposition with a vehicle at Pillbox or Grandmas for them to make their
way back to their turf.

Communication in Gang Shootouts

Dead people don’t speak. It’s okay to RP that you are bleeding and struggling, but this does not give reason to indulge in toxic comments or
relaying information that could give people an advantage.
On the other side, When you shoot the other party down, YOU DO NOT TAUNT THEM!
You engage in the scenario and continue the RP. When they are all down you do not indulge any toxic behavior of any kind.
When this behavior is seen, immediate and severe punishments are handed out with even Admin intervention that will result in possible
termination of the war and severe bans being handed out to all involved in the toxicity.

Players must engage in communications before starting a war, whether it’s negotiating terms of the war or making it known to the other gang you are about to fight them.
This is the, “This means war!” moment. Once a war has started it is expected that gang members may roll up on others and engage with less interaction.
However where you can interact first it’s best to do so.

Interaction to initiate a fight during a war can include things such as: shouting, honking horns, circling an area/location whilst honking or shouting, holding others at gunpoint
first before firing. The idea is to make the other party aware you are about to engage.

Criminals who continue to repeatedly put gunplay before RP will be considered breaking rules.

We expect the members of our community to ALWAYS uphold a good standard and motivate others to do the same. During conflict or tensions this is NO DIFFERENT!
You will behave accordingly and stay in line with the rules.

This means that any behavior that can be seen as otherwise will be dealt with as any other rule breaking within the server and can even lead to Admin intervention within
a war.
Tensions during wars will always rise but does not give you an excuse to become part of the problem.
If you feel any rule breaking happened, wait until the scenario has been resolved and contact Support afterwards.

Do not go OOC during a scenario either. What has been lost can be given back and any mistakes can be undone after being carefully reviewed.

1.) RP that violates the Twitch Terms of Service (ToS) and Rules of Conduct (RoC) is strictly prohibited.

2.) When you stream on Ocean Drive, you are by default representing us on streaming platforms. Therefore it is to be expected to behave respectfully and professionally

3.) Streamers are responsible for what happens within their stream and chat. We understand you cannot be responsible for what people say. But we can hold you accountable for how you respond and how it is handled.

4.) Streamer partnership can be given to consistent streamers, who represent us and our values. You can apply through #tickets but it is up to Management who will be representing Ocean Drive on streaming platforms.

The Government Website/ Discordian App: Discord
Government Staff/Employees/Official: Management and Support
Wizard: a hacker/modder

Always remember, you do not need to win every situation you are in. Roleplaying is about connecting with other players through a joint story. You are “winning” when everyone is having fun.

If you feel you have been treated unfairly or disagree with an action that has been taken you are always welcome to open a #ticket to dispute. Our staff will always listen to you and your side of things as long as you remain respectful and open.