Below you will find documents informing you of your rights as a citizen in the city, forms to fill out should you need to file a complaint against PD (RP of course), and a Death registry form if you choose to perma a character or RP out a fake death.
In this section you can submit cases for the Judge to review.
If you would like to submit something to the docket, please fill out the form below and wait until a Judge has accepted and made a Ticket about the case.
Once a Ticket is made, all relevant parties will be tagged in.
A Ticket can also be made if a Judge rejects the case, a reason will be issued why within the thread.
Due to the low numbers of Judges within the DOJ, civil cases may take longer to be heard. Judges may make summary judgement instead of arranging a court case depending on the docket posting.
*Abuse of the forms below will result in a ban.